Safety Around Water
Water With A Splash of Confidence
The goal of Safety Around Water is to reduce and eliminate drowning deaths through water safety awareness and education. It is an unfortunate truth that drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death for youth in the nation. Through a unique collaboration with the Flint Community Schools, and financial assistance from many donors the YMCA of Greater Flint is leading the charge in reversing this sad statistic.
Want to help?
Donate to help prevent accidental drowning in Genesee County!
% of increase for youths that can swim from week 1 to week 6
youth learned water safety at NO COST to the schools

Student Testimonials
Thank you for teaching me how to float on my back and for teaching me to swim on my back and for helping me to save people’s lives. I will try to save people’s lives. – Talia
Thank you for teaching me how to swim because at first I was scared, I didn’t want you to let me go. But now I know how to swim and float. – Ca’mya
Thanks for helping me swim. Now I know how to swim all the way. You helped me swim on my tummy. I’m a better swimmer now because of you. – Nanyah
Being a swim teacher is hard you have an important job. When I grow up I want to be just like you; a swim teacher, lifeguard great swimmer. – Shakala
Top Water Safety Tips for Families
1. Never Swim Alone
2. Supervise Children When They’re in the Water
3. Don’t Play Breath-Holding Games
4. Always Wear a Life Vest
5. Don’t Jump in the Water to Save a Friend
If a child sees their friend struggling to keep their head above water, their first instinct may be to jump in to help. However, doing so could lead to both people drowning. The Y’s Safety Around Water program recommends the “reach, throw, don’t go” technique, which involves using a long object to pull a struggling swimmer to safety. By using this technique, children can help their friend without putting themselves at risk.
6. Enter the Water Feet First
7. Stay Away From Pool Drains
8. Stay Within Designated Swim Areas
9. Avoid Using Alcohol
10. Learn CPR
Help Us Safe A Life
We are constantly looking for partners to help bring water safety to more Genesee County youth. Join us to ensure all youth can be SAFE AROUND THE WATER!
YMCA of Greater Flint is a USA Swimming Foundation Make a Splash Partner
The USA Swimming Foundation’s Make a Splash initiative is a national child-focused water safety campaign, which aims to provide the opportunity for every child in America to learn to swim. To date, more than 5 million children have received the lifesaving gift of swim lessons through the USA Swimming Foundation Make a Splash Local Partner network, comprised of more than 850 qualified lesson providers across the nation. To learn more, visit